Search results for "p 737 octopus f"
100 products found
DECT, 1 up to 3 UP0/E, 4up to12 B-Channels, CorNet-TRadio
Digitales Interface mit 8 Anschlüssen.
Digitales Interface mit 8 Anschlüssen.
Digitales Interface mit 8 Anschlüssen.
Digitales Interface mit 8 Anschlüssen.
Digitales Interface mit 8 Anschlüssen.
Die Baugruppe besitzt 4 ISDN, 4 analoge und 8 digitale Ausgänge.
Trunk-Module with a EDSS1-S2M interface and 2 connectors.
The SLMA-module board S30810-Q2191-C300 is a analogue subscriber-extension-board with 24 analogue ports.
Die SLCN-module board S30810-Q2193-X300 with 16 U P0/E-ports is a cordless-office-module and enables the connection of up to 16 Siemens base stations.
Blindabdeckung fürdie OXO/OXE Anlagen
Alcatel Fan Kit Rack für Anlagen mit 2 bis 3 Höheneinheiten
The Music-on-Hold-module board musiphone MPPI enables the integration of music while subscribers are on-hold.
Music-on-Hold for HiPath 3000
The PSUC power supply S30122-K5661-M provides Siemens telephone systems with the required following voltage of 5V DC, -48V DC and the call-voltage of 75Veff .
The GEE-module board S30817-Q0951-A313 with four charge-meter terminals which enable the registration of 16 kHz charge-impulses via analogue trunk lines.
The GEE-module board S30817-Q0951-A301 offers four call-charging-meters which enable the registration of 12 kHz fee-impulses over analogue trunk-lines.
The EXM-module board S30817-Q902-B401 enables the activation of external music-sources to the telephone system Hipath 3000.
The TLA4-module board S30817-Q923-A312 is a signaling-module-board with tfour analogue trunk-lines used for the impulse dialing procedures (IWV and MFV-process) in the Hipath 3000.
Die TLA4-Baugruppe S30817-Q923-A313 is a signaling-module-board with two analogue trunk-lines used for the impulse dialing procedures (IWV- and MFV-process).
The TLA2-module board S30817-Q923-B312 is a signaling-module-board with tfour analogue trunk-lines used for the impulse dialing procedures (IWV and MFV-process) in the telephone systems Hicom 150E / H and Hipath 3000.
The TLA2-module board S30817-Q923-B313 is a signaling-module-board with two analogue trunk-lines used for the impulse dialing procedures (IWV and MFV-process) in the telephone systems Hicom 150E / H and Hipath 3000.
The LAN Bridge module board S30817-Q955-X for the HiPath 3000 connects via a public ISDN-network the internal LAN with the external LAN.
The CMS-module board S30807-Q6928-X is a clock-module for the telephone system HiPath 3000.
The SLU8-module board S30817-Q922-A301 is a subscriber-module-board with 8 digital U P0-interfaces for the telephone system HiPath 3000.
The SLU8-module board S30817-Q922-A301 is a subscriber-module-board with 8 digital U P0-interfaces for the telephone system HiPath 3000.
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten, 100M-LAN-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten, 100M-LAN-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten, 100M-LAN-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten, 100M-LAN-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten, 100M-LAN-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten, 100M-LAN-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten, 100M-LAN-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten, 100M-LAN-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten,UP0/E-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten,UP0/E-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten,UP0/E-Anschluss
LCD 205x41, 9 Funktionstasten,UP0/E-Anschluss
16 Funktionstasten, LCD 2-zeilig, Freisprechen, Wandmontage
16 Funktionstasten, LCD 2-zeilig, Freisprechen, Wandmontage
16 Funktionstasten, LCD 2-zeilig, Freisprechen, Wandmontage
16 Funktionstasten, LCD 2-zeilig, Freisprechen, Wandmontage
LCD 240x128, 16 Funktionstasten, USB, UP0/E-Anschluss
LCD 240x128, 16 Funktionstasten, USB, UP0/E-Anschluss
LCD 240x128, 16 Funktionstasten, USB, UP0/E-Anschluss
LCD 240x128, 16 Funktionstasten, USB, UP0/E-Anschluss
The Hicom Office PhoneMail Entry B-module-board S30122-Q7078-X for the Hicom150E and Hipath 3000 systems.
The UAM-9610N-module board S30122-X7217-B is an optional module board for the activation of announcement and music on hold functions for the communication systems HiPath 3350 and HiPath 3550, which can be connected ...
The UAM-module board S30122-X7217-X is an optional module board for the activation of announcement and music on hold functions for the communication systems HiPath 3350 and HiPath 3550, which can be connected to ...
The SLMO24-module board S30807-Q2901-X is a subscriber-module-board with 24 analogue interfaces for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The SLMO8-module board S30810-Q2901-X100 is a subscriber-module-board with 8 analogue interfaces for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The 8SLA-module-board S30810-Q2925-X is a subscriber-module with 8 analogue slots for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The 4SLA-module-board S30810-Q2925-X100 is a subscriber-module with 4 analogue slots for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The STLS4-module board S30817-Q924-A313 is a module board with four S 0-interfaces, which can be operated as external trunk-lines in TE-Mode or alternatively as internal S 0-interfaces (Bus PMP) in NT-Mode.
The STLS2-module board S30817-Q924-B313 is a module board withtwo S0-interfaces, which can be operated as external trunk-lines in TE-Mode or alternatively as internal S 0-interfaces (Bus PMP) in NT-Mode.
The STRB module board S30817-Q932-A enables surveillance, alarm-signaling, control, operation and a door-opening-function within a telephone system.
The SLAS8-module board S30122-Q921-C301 is a subscriber-replacement-board with eight analogue interfaces for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The CMA-module board S30807-Q6931-X is a clock-module for HiPath 3000 pbx series
The TS2-module board S30810-K2913-X100 with an S2M-interface offers 30 voice channels for the connection of trunk-lines via NT or enables the networking of extension-systems.
Cordless Interface,16 UP0/E-Ports
The SLAS4-module board S30122-Q921-D301 is a subscriber-module board with four analogue interfaces for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The SLA16-module board S30810-Q2702-X is a subscriber-module-board with 16 analogue interfaces for the connection of system neutral analogue terminals.
The TS2-module board S30810-Q2913-X100 with an S2M-interface which offers 30 voice channels for trunk-connection via NT or for the networking of extension-systems.
The SLC-module board S30810-Q2922-X with 16 UP0/E-ports is a cordless-office-module and enables the connection of up to 16 Siemens base stations.
The SLAS16-module board S30122-Q921-A301 is a subscriber-replacement-board with sixteen analogue interfaces for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
Cover plate for unused peripherial slots
Announcement and music on hold functions for HiPath 3x00
The HXGR3-module board S30810-K2943-Z is the VoIP-Gateway-module board (VoIP - Voice or IP), which enables the function of the HG1500 in the HiPath 3500 and HiPath 3300.
The 16SLA-module-board S30810-Q2923-X is a subscriber-module with 16 analogue slots for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The 8SLA-module-board S30810-Q2923-X100 is a subscriber-module with 8 analogue slots for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The 4SLA FC-module-board S30810-Q2923-X200 is a subscriber-module with 4 analogue slots for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
THe 8SLA-module-board S30810-Q2925-Z is a subscriber-module with 8 analogue slots for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
24 analogue interfaces for Hipath 3550 and HiPath 3750
16 analogue interfaces for HiPath 3550 and HiPath 3750
8 analogue interfaces for HiPath 3550 and HiPath 3750.
The CBPC-module board S30810-Q2932-B201 is the central control-module board for the Hicom 150E.
The CBCC board is the central control board for the Hipath 3550 / 3350 telephone system, equiped with 8 digital Upo interfaces and 4 a/b analog interfaces.
Central control-module-board for telephone system HiPath 3x50
The CBCC-module board S30810-Q2935-A401 is the central control-module-board for the telephone systems HiPath 3350 and HiPath 3550.
The CBRC board is the central control board for the Hipath 3500 / 3300 telephone systems and is equiped with 8x digital Upo interfaces, 2x So ISDN and 4x a/b analogue interfaces. V4.0
Die CBRC Baugruppe ist die Zentrale Steuerungsbaugruppe für die Hipath 3500 / 3300 Telefonanlage, ausgestattet mit 8x dig. Upo TS, 2x So ISDN und 4x a/b analoge TS ab der Software V5.0 bis V9.0.
The CBRC-module board S30810-K2935-Z401 is the central control-module-board for the telephone systems HiPath 3300 and HiPath 3500.
Voice- / data-module-board for the HiPath 3000
The SLAD4-module-board S30810-Q2956-X100 is a subscriber-module-board with 4 analogue slots with CLIP-function for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The SLAD8-module-board S30810-Q2956-X200 is a subscriber-module with 8 analogue slots with CLIP-function for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The SLAD8-module-board S30810-Q2956-X300 is a subscriber-module with 8 analogue slots with CLIP-function for the connection of system-neutral terminals.
The SLAD16-module board S30810-Q2957-X is a subscriber-module-board with 16 analogue interfaces with CLIP-function for the connection of system-neutral terminals
The SLAD16-module board S30810-Q2957-X is a subscriber-module-board with 16 analogue interfaces with CLIP-function for the connection of system-neutral terminals
The SLU8R-module board S30817-Q922-Z301 is a subscriber-module-board with 8 digital U P0-interfaces for the telephone system HiPath 3000.
The TLA4R-module board S30817-K923-Z313 is a signaling-module-board with four analogue trunk-lines used for the impulse dialing procedures (IWV and MFV-process) in the Hipath 3500 and Hipath 3300.
The TLA8-module board S30817-Q926-A312 is a signaling-module-board with eight analogue trunk-lines used for the impulse dialing procedures (IWV and MFV-process) for the telephone system HiPath 3000.
The STRBR module-board S30817-Q932-Z enables surveillance, alarm-signaling, control, operation and a door-opening-function for the telephone system HiPath 3000.
Das Alcatel Premium Reflexes 4020 schwarz baugleich mit dem Octophon Open 20,ist ein Systemtelefon, dass an verschiedenen Alcatelanlagen angeschlossen werden kann.
1x CPU-Slot, 8x Baugruppen-Slot, 19-Zoll Rackmount, Wandmontage
1x CPU-Slot, 5x Universal Slot, 19" Rack mount, Wall mount
1x CPU-Slot, 2x Universal Slot, 19" Rack mount, Wall mount
The TS2-module board S30810-K2913-X300 has a S2M-interface which offers 30 voice channels for trunk-connections via NT or the networking of extension-systems.
The CBFC-module board (Central Board Flatpack Compact) is the central-control-module board for the Hicom 150E OfficePoint Rel 1.0, which enables all central control- and relaying functions.