Telephone systems and parts from various brand names for mid sized companies,
Hotels & Home-Offices
Spare part service
We have a large stock on spare parts such
as phones, telephone systems, boards
and power supplies
Data erasing
We erase or destroy all data carrier in accordance with recognized Delete Standards and data privacy laws
Repair service
We clean and repaint in original colour all IT and communication equipment and test it in a full equipped testing laboratory
Purchase offer
We purchase your hardware and pay best
prices. The best way you make money from
your used equipment!
Roll out services
Roll out service for IT telecommunication equipment from banks, offices, public orga-
nizations, small and mid sized companies
Leasing Return Service
Roll out services for lease companies, banks
entities, public organizations, etc, telephone
systems and IT-Rollout-Management
Sales and Marketing
We operate in a multi lingual International sales department with shipping all over the world
Storage service
Storage of your IT equipment
in special computerized racksystems
storage space incl. inventory of your items
Customizing & branding
If you wish, we can customize your IT equipment by painting with various colours and inprinting your logo on the items