Search results for "p 755 hipath 4000 hicom 300"
100 products found
Main Frame for Mono- or Duplex CPU-Shelf
Siemens HiPath 3750 / Hipath 3700 central-box S30777-U757-X with 8-Slots
S30122-K7754-X OpenScape 4000 Eco Server
Hicom 300E V2.0,2 Flexshelves, Licenses:328 operating-software,280 Starter Kit telephoning V1.0,34 Trunk / Networking V1.0,32 Comfort Package V1.0,10 Networking Basis V1.0, 1 Attendant Console V1.0,10 Chef- ...
The MB (Motherboard) 6/4 module board S30817-Q920-A701 is the central-control-module biard for the Hicom E 118. Starting at software-version V2.1, the module board is deployed in the Hicom 100E.
The MB (Motherboard) 4/4 module board S30817-Q920-B701 is the central-control-module for the Hicom E 112. The module board is deployed in the Hicom 100E starting at software-version V2.1.
The MB (Motherboard) 2/4 module board S30817-Q920-C701 MB2/4 is the central-control-module board for the Hicom E108. The module board is deployed in the Hicom 100E starting at software-version V2.1.
The CBMOD-module board is the central-control-module board for the Hicom 150E OfficePro, which enables all central control- and relaying functions.
The CBMOD-module board S30810-Q2960-X100 is the central-control-module board for the Hicom 150E OfficePro with a 2 MB DRAM-storage
The CBMOD module board S30810-Q2960-X200 is the central-control-module board for the Hicom 150E OfficePro has 4 MB DRAM-storage.
Power Supply for HiPath 540 / HiPath 580
Power Supply for HiPath 540 / HiPath 580
Power Supply for HiPath 540 / HiPath 580
The extension-box S30805-G5413-X EB principally only works together with the HiPath 3800 central-box.
Acces Point HiPath AP 3700/9 IP- 19 inch
Terminal Adaptor2x analogueDeviceto Cornet-IP
Terminal Adaptor2x analogueDeviceto Cornet-IP
Terminal Adaptor2x analogueDeviceto H.323
Terminal Adaptor2x analogueDeviceto H.323
Terminal Adaptor2x analogueDeviceto SIP
Terminal Adaptor2x analogueDeviceto SIP
Cable for connection between central box and a extension box for HiPath 3750
The cable C39195-Z7611-A10 and the module board CBSAP transform the module rack S30805-G5413-X into an extension-box for the HiPath 3800.
LAN-Adaptor for HiPath 3700 / HiPath 3750 to use with HG1500/HXGM3-Board
This assembly-kit is required for the installment of central- and extension-boxes for the HiPath 3700 in a 19" rack.
Siemens HiPath 3750 / Hipath 3700 extension-box S30777-U708-X100 with 8-Slots
The SBSCO-module board S30810-Q2937-X is the central control-module-board of the HiPath 540.
The assembly-kit for the installation of a Hipath 3300 within a 19 inch shelf.
The assembly-kit for the installation of a Hipath 3500 within a 19 shelf.
With the following 19 kit users can assemble and mount Siemens module board frames, such as the S30805-G5412-X and S30805-G5413-X, into an 19 shelving unit.
Power Supply for Hicom 300 E/H Cabinet-Design
Inverter for Hicom 300E
Power Supply for Hicom 300 and HiPath 4000
Power Supply for Hicom300 E
Inverter for Hicom 300
Netzteil für Hicom 300
Power Supply forHicom 300
powersupplyfor Hicom 300 H
Inverterfor Hicom 300 E
Power Supply for Hicom 300 E.
Power Supply forHiPath 4000 V2.0 inCSPCI-Shelf andSurvivability Server
Power Supply forHiPath 4000 V2.0 in CSPCI-Shelf and Survivability Server
InverterforHiPath 4000 V2.0 inCSPCI-Shelf andSurvivability Server
Inverter for HiPath 4000 V2.0 in CSPCI-Shelf and Survivability Server
Power Supply for Hicom 310E
Power Supply for Hicom 300E
The power supplyframe PSR930E is a UACD-extension box for the electric supply framePSR930.
Power Supply for PSR930
UACD-Powerbox for 19" Racks
IN: DC 42V/7,8A; -58V/5,7A max 240W. OUT:DC 5V/40A; -5V/6A 12V/8A; -12V/1A
Inverter forHicom 300 E
AC/DC Wandler derFirma SYSKAB
IN 115/230VAC 5/3A50-60HZ OUT 54,7/-53,3 V DC 3,7/6A 65/75 V AC / 85 V AC 5VA/5VAmax 500/585W
IN: -48VDC/5AOUT: +5,1V/16A; -5,1V/12A; +12V/2,5A
IN: 180/240VAC/3A 45-66HZ; 54,7VDC/8,7AOUT: -54V/5,3A -54V/3,3A; -54V/8,7A
The DIUS2-module board S30810-Q2096-X200 (Digital Interface Unit ISDN) is intended for the Siemens Hicom 300 and HiPath 4000. The module board has a digital S 2-interface for ...
Die MUXU-Baugruppe ist eine Erweiterungsbaugruppe zur Anschaltung von Trading 300-, Dipatcher 300-,oder Executive 300-Arbeitsplätze. Eingesetzt wird die Baugruppe in Simens Hicom ...
Ring generator RGMOD for Hicom 300 E V3.0, Hicom 300 H V1.0 and the HiPath 4000.
Data Communication Link is a module board for the Hicom 300 / 300E and enables the connection between the control- and peripheral-connector-units LTU or the service-unit SU. ...
The TMOM-module board S30810-Q2014-X (Trunk Module Outgoing Multipurpose) has two connection sets for the activation of specialized operations within the Hicom 300.
The SLMD-module board S30810-Q2023-X200 is a Line Lock-out board with four digital subscriber-sets for the connection of ISDN-end-terminals via the U*-interface within the systems ...
Peripheral Clock Generator is a board for the Hicom 300/300E. The System Hicom is run synchronized.
Station Line Module Analog is a board for Hicom 300/300E and is the interface between the analog stations and the Hicom system.
Die Baugruppe SLMA (Station Line Module Analog) mit der Sachnummer S30810-Q2057 ist das Bindeglied zwischen den analogen Teilnehmern und dem System Hicom mit 16 Teilnehmerleitungen. ...
Trunk Module Outgoing Multipurpose
The SLOP2-module board S30810-Q2180-X (Power SLMO) for the Hicom 300 has 24 Up0/E-interfaces for the connection of system specific telephones.
The TMX.21 (Digital Trunk Module) provides the adapter for the data traffic between the public data network IDN and the Hicom system as well as between Hicom and the terminals with ...
The TMACH-module board S30810-Q9556-X100 offers an analogue interface between the Hicom 300 system and the public network in Switzerland.
C39228-A7195-A11 Adapter SIVAPAC/SIPAC
The M2M-module board (Memory Module 2 MB) for the Hicom 300/300E is a dynamic storage unit with a capacity of 2 MB and is utilized as a common memory.
The CONF-module board S30810-Q2021-X (Conference Unit) for the Hicom 300 enables the activation of performance features such as die Leistungsmerkmale call-forwarding, call-waiting and ...
The MTS-module board S30810-Q2022-X (Memory Time Switch) for the Hicom 300/300E is utilized as the main-element within the digital wird als Grundelement des digitalen crossbar switch ...
The LTUC-module board S30810-Q2028-X (Line Trunk Unit Control) for the Hicom 300/300E which constitutes the interface between the transducer for the signaling-channel DCL, the ...
The SIU-module board S30810-Q2031-X (Signaling Unit) for the Hicom 300/300E, which provides the system with audbile tones, announcements and music-on-hold.
The RG-module board S30810-Q2058-X (Ring Generator) for the Hicom 300/300E generates an AC voltage of 65 V or 85 V with a frequency of 25 Hz or 50 Hz. The module board enables ...
The LCU-module board S30810-Q2093-X (Line Control Unit) enables the connection, via two available V.24-interfaces, of terminals and / or data processing equipment to the Hicom 300 ...
The M8M-module board (Memory Module 8 Mbyte) for the Hicom 300 / 300E is a dynamic storage unit with a storage capacity of 8 Mbyte which can be used as a common memory.
The MTS-module board S30810-Q2122-X (Memory Time Switch) for the Hicom 300/300E is utilized as the main-element within the digital wird als Grundelement des digitalen crossbar switch ...
The LTUC-module board S30810-Q2128-X (Line Trunk Unit Control) for the Hicom 300/300E which constitutes the interface between the transducer for the signaling-channel DCL, the ...
The MIP-module board S30810-Q2130-X (Memory- and Interface-Processor) functions within the System Hicom 300/300E as a signal exchange between the switching unit or SWU and a service ...
The MIP-module board S30810-Q2130-X200 (Memory- and Interface-Processor) functions within the System Hicom 300/300E as a signal exchange between the switching unit or SWU and a ...
The DPML-module board S30810-Q2149-X (Data Processor Multi/Local) for the Hicom 300 is the central control-processor of the SWU and the server.
The TMEM-module board S30810-Q2012-X (Trunk Module Bothway Current) has four full-duplex cross connection batches which manage the incoming as well as outgoing house-, trunk-, and ...
The TMBD (Trunk Module "Bundespost Deutschland") (4 circuits per module) can be used for signalling with main station interfaces (MOSIG) as well as for direct inward dialing with the ...
The TMBP-module board S30810-Q2032-X (Trunk Module Bothway Inter PBX Simultaneous) has four dual-connection sets for incoming and outgoing signals between two sub-systems.
The SLMB-module board S30810-Q2052-X (Station Line Module Burstsystem) offers 8 U 200-interfaces which enable the connection of system-specific end terminals and the attendant ...
The TMEMW-module board S30810-Q2092-X (Trunk Module Ear & Mouth/World) has four dual-interconnection sets E&M for incoming and outgoing signals between the main- and ...
The DIUS2-moduleboard S30810-Q2096-X Digital Interface Unit ISDN is intended forthe Siemens Hicom 300. The module board has a digital S 2-interfacefor ISDN.
The MBU-module board S30810-Q2114-X (Message Buffer Unit) with signal exchange controls the signal- and data-traffic between switching unit (SWU), the peripheral unit (LTGs) and the ...
The SLMB-module board S30810-Q2150-X (Station Line Module Burstsystem) offers 16 U 200-interfaces which enable the connection of system-specific end terminals and the attendant ...
The DSC80 board for the Hicom 310 E and Hicom 330 E, unites all features that a central control unit of a Hicom 300 System requires, onto a single board.
Diese Baugruppe vereint auf einer Leiterplatte alle Leistungsmerkmale, die die Zentralsteuerung eines Hicom 300 Systems benötigt.
The MTS64-module board (Memory Time Switch) realizes the space-time-crossbar-switch for the Hicom 300.
The NCG-module board (Network Clock Generator) generates the internal clock and in order to synchronize it can receive reference clock signals from the trunk-modules TMX.21, TMD, ...
The SLMU-module board S30810-Q2115-X (Station Line Module Digital U P0) enables the connection via 16 U P0-interfaces of Siemens SET 551 or PNTs telephones.
The Station Line Module Digital S0 board SLMS allows 8 S0-Interfaces the connection of up to 8 digital terminal per port.
The Stream Control Central board SCC for Hicom 300/300E, is the interface between the central Processor DM80 and the peripheral boards of the Hicom 3X3. ...